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Six science-backed ways to improve your well-being at work

Nataly Kogan, Harvard Business Review

Employee well-being is an organisational issue, not just an individual one. Many factors impact and influence it, including your workload and flexibility, your manager, and the culture within your team. But while you may not have the ability to change your organisation or your boss, there are some simple,...

Communicating effectively when you’re running on empty

Communicating effectively when you’re running on empty

Amy Bernstein and Amy Gallo, Harvard Business Review, 04 July 2023

Communicating clearly and persuasively sets you up to have the impact and influence you’re after. But what if you’re running on empty? Expressing your ideas and giving direction when you’re sleep-deprived, burned out, grieving, or in perimenopausal brain fog…can feel nearly impossible. So, what...

The benefits of being bored at work

Alyson Meister and Aksinia Stavskaya, Harvard Business Review

While boredom can be an unpleasant feeling, it can also be an opportunity to reflect on your interests, values, and goals. By recognising the type of boredom you’re experiencing and identifying the underlying causes, you can take steps to address them and find new ways to engage with the world around you. Working...

Four ways to earn the respect of a more powerful colleague

Nihar Chhaya, Harvard Business Review

When you are stuck in an unequal power dynamic, it helps to remember that not only is the placement of power temporary, but you can equalize it. In this article, the author outlines four strategies you can use to creatively pivot in the moment and frame the connection differently so that you are building the...

How to take better breaks at work, according to research

Zhanna Lyubykh and Duygu Biricik Gulseren, Harvard Business Review

Taking periodic work breaks throughout the day can boost well-being and performance, but far too few of us take them regularly — or take the most effective types. A systematic review of more than 80 studies on break-taking outlines some best practices for making the most of time away from our tasks, including...

With burnout on the rise, what can companies do about it?

Dawn Klinghoffer and Katie Kirkpatrick-Husk, MIT Sloan

Workforce data highlights the need to understand burnout, measure its dimensions, and identify actions for managers and employees to mitigate its effects.

A New Approach to Building Your Personal Brand

Jill Avery and Rachel Greenwald, Harvard Business Review

In this article a branding thought leader and a professional dating coach present a guide to creating your personal brand. It’s an intentional, strategic practice in which you craft and express your own value proposition, and it involves seven steps: (1) Define your purpose by exploring your mission, passion, and...

What to do when you’re passed over for an internal position

Melody Wilding, Harvard Business Review

Job rejection is always difficult. But things get even more complicated when it’s an internal role. Unless you decide to leave — which takes some time — you have to figure out how to work within the same organization, and maybe even with the same people that rejected you. Here’s how to move on and carry yourself...

What to do when you’re passed over for an internal position

Melody Wilding, Harvard Business Review

Job rejection is always difficult. But things get even more complicated when it’s an internal role. Unless you decide to leave — which takes some time — you have to figure out how to work within the same organisation, and maybe even with the same people that rejected you. Here’s how to move on and carry yourself...

Become more comfortable making bold decisions

What happens when you’re faced with a decision that requires a leap of faith? Most of us want to turn and run from these kinds of decisions. Leaps of faith make great scenes in a movie, but in real life they fill us with stress and uncertainty, two emotions that are not comfortable for the human brain. In...